Friday, August 6, 2021

A New (School) Year!

We're kicking this year off with a bang so read along to find out what's going on in my ministry! 

August started off with our staff retreat, which I just got back from. Our whole staff from 11 different campuses and including 19 new apprentices. We have about 50 people total now! Our apprentices are (mostly) recent graduates who have committed to being on our staff, learning how to do ministry both through taking classes and working with our campus teams. This is the biggest apprentice class we've had so far and I'm honestly so excited to work with them! Here's our Denton staff for the year!!

And these are Denton's apprentices - Becca in blue, Steven in green, and Cole in pink.

And staff retreat was so fun! We went to this beautiful lakeside camp and had a great time hanging out, playing games, swimming, and worshipping God!

And next week we go to SICM! SICM, or Student Institute of Campus Ministry, is our annual leadership training trip we invite students to so they can learn more about what it looks like to point people to Jesus. We usually have this in Washington State, hosted by another ministry we partner with up there. Last year, the trip was obviously canceled so this year we decided to host our own trip to a camp out near Austin! We were able to invite students from both last year and this year so we have a really great group of students going. I know they are so excited for this chance to learn about Jesus-style ministry, evangelism, cultivating inner life, and a lot more. Please be praying for this trip, for these students to really catch a vision for the kingdom and ministry and for everyone's health and safety. We are taking a lot of precautions and having everyone monitor their health closely so that we can have this trip and go into the school year really strong. 

Fundraising Update! 

Y'all have been so incredibly generous, thank you so much! I ended up well past my minimum goal, which is a huge blessing, and I raised more than I did last year. I'm just blown away by God's faithfulness and your kindness. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Ways to Pray


- Welcome week - the week after SICM we get to go out on campus and start meeting students! This week is so critical, especially this year. We have a huge class of freshmen coming on campus but we also have sophomores who had a really lame freshman year and still haven't made friends in college. Pray for these new and returning students to feel welcomed and to experience the love of God, especially through the various ministries on campus.

- My family is currently dealing with some hard things. We'd love your prayers in this time.

I'm so excited to share with you what God does this year! I'd also love to hear from you guys! Know that I'm praying for each of you. 


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