Saturday, March 1, 2025

Through Cold Nights To Sunny Days

 Happy March! I hope you all are enjoying nice weather as much as I am!

a cute afternoon picnic

February was so fun at TWU! So many students seem to really be connecting with each other and taking faith seriously. I've had to chance to study a range of material with different students to challenge us in our thinking. One book, People To Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle, has helped us think through Christianity and same-sex attraction with a lot of nuance and love while seeking God's heart for people. I've loved getting to see those girls confront what they've grown up thinking and take those questions to the Lord. I'm also reading Liturgies of the Ordinary by Tish Warren with another student as a way to reflect on the rhythms of the day in light of God's presence. It's easy for me to go about my day on autopilot but what if I saw making my bed or brushing my teeth as a chance to connect with God and remember just how loving and faithful His is? I find books help me to be more reflective and I am more ready to listen to God's voice throughout the day if I have some of these ideas on my mind.

Owen has gotten to hang out with so many friends recently! He loves when Becca visits him.

Becca and I are trying to build a presence at the campus rec center to meet people and workout together.

Owen got invited to a student's birthday party. I'm pretty sure he thought the balloons were just for him.

And we had lunch on campus again where he played his favorite game - hide-and-seek - with friends and strangers alike.

We had the honor of celebrating Black History Month with a special TNF service put on by some students in our ministry. A big theme for the night was Kingdom Diversity. We wanted to celebrate the ways God has made us all unique but with the purpose to worship God and love people.

The fire alarms went off during the service so we had to evacuate into 20 degree weather. But instead of complaining, these amazing students just went right on worshiping!

And below is Caitlynn's story! I've had the pleasure of getting to know her this year at TWU and I'm so excited for what God is doing in her life!

Praying for each of you. 
Much love,

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