Friday, February 3, 2023

Ready For Spring!

I hope all my Texas readers are surviving the ice and staying warm! It's been a minute since I've gotten to update y'all so I thought I'd take this chance.

If you didn't already know, we have big changes coming to our little family. We're having a baby in July!

We're so excited (and a tiny bit nervous)! The Lord has been sweet to us in this journey. I'm learning to trust Him more because I'm faced with something I just can't control. Pregnancy has also treated me pretty well so far too. I haven't had many ups and downs, only some nausea and growing pains. It's also been so meaningful for me to get to share this with the girls I meet with every week; they have been so kind and supportive and excited for us. Keanna and Rian even got us this custom ornament!

Everyone's support has meant so much to me. Thanks to many of you for your kind words and encouragement! 

Here's what's been happening in our ministry!

The biggest thing was we had Winter Retreat! All of our 11 or so campuses got together for a fun weekend. Shoutout to my Fellowship Baptist Church Family - we were at RiverBend Retreat Center, where I grew up going to camp!

My sweet core (small group) was so encouraging to be around - what a fun group of girls! Hearing many of their reflections afterwards, I know that God used this weekend so bring so many people into a deeper relationship with Him. Many chose to give up things the Lord was calling them to and others chose to more fully commit to serving people God asked them to. 

I also just wanted to share these pictures from our staff's Christmas party. I love the people I get to work with!


We've got a lot of stressed out students so we've been talking often about how important regular time before the Lord is. A lot of our students have been taking this to heart this semester and already I'm seeing people handle their anxiety better and seek the Lord's will and approval first. Since some of you might have some down time right now, I thought I'd send a basic plan that we've been using to help us quiet our hearts before God. Feel free to use this or adapt it if you're looking for some guidance in rest!

Here's our student testimony for February!

Love you guys much, 

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